More Me!! If you're interested...

The reason I don’t use my hands to write…

I was diagnosed with Primary Lateral Sclerosis: a neuromuscular disorder, in 1999. It robbed me of the ability to walk and use my arms in the space of three years. Today I write from the seat of my wheelchair with the aid of a SmartNav camera and a SofType on-screen keyboard. I blogged about the way I write in Celebrating the Word Count.

Why I picked J.E. for my name instead of Julie or Julia or Julia Elizabeth…

I’m a huge L.M. Montgomery fan. J.K. Rowling and other modern late twentieth, early twenty-first century authors have nothing to do with my choice. And my full name, when said out loud, sounds like I'm in trouble.

There are no books listed on your book page…

Um, yeah, I know. I’m working on several sci-fi short stories, one alternate dimension story, and I’m editing two completed Young Adult, sci-fi novels that are heavy on time travel and romance.  I’m all over the board, and the only 'platform' I have is Science Fiction and history. Will I ever finish anything and actually let people read them? I sincerely hope so. Stay tuned!!

Why I’m blogging…

Short answer: Because I have to. Long answer: If I want people to someday read what I write, and maybe, actually, entice them to pay for one of my books in the near future, it’s helpful if they have a place on the Web where they can look me up, GET TO KNOW ME. Anyone else hear Jon Lovitz’s voice?

Really, I’d like nothing better then to write a book and have people discover it in a brick and mortar bookstore with no help from me. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that anymore. I will probably self-publish on Amazon, and if I don’t tell anyone, no one will know. I do kind of feel like I’m standing in the middle of the road with no shirt on yelling, “Look at me!” whenever I post something, but hey, I guess that’s how it’s done these days.

Where I am on the web…

Amazon, constantly, and Disney Parks or Allears dot net a little less frequently, but that's because I’m dreaming of my next trip to the home of the mouse. But, if you’re looking for more me—the fledgling writer, check me out here or on twitter . I have one follower, and I rarely tweet. You have to start somewhere, right?

Favorite T.V. shows…

In no specific order:

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Voyager, Enterprise, Friends, The Muppets, Frasier, Charmed, Psych, The Simpsons, Doctor Who: 2005-Present, Sliders, Stargate Atlantis, Medium, The Twilight Zone (old and new), Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Everybody Loves Raymond, Moonlighting, Remington Steele, The Amazing Race, Beverly Hills 90210, The OC, True Blood, Seven Days, The Dead Zone, 4400, Phineas and Ferb.

Family Life...

I'm a fifteen year veteran of marriage, and a thirteen year veteran of motherhood. Both have been amazing in a whole bunch of ways, and have given me more gray hair than I ever wanted. I'm really lucky my husband is my best friend, and my son is a great kid.

That's probably more than you wanted to know about an unknown writer, but thanks for reading my blog!!

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